Collect Additional Student Information at Registration

You can elect to collect additional information about students at the time of registration on the Business Portal.  Studioware contains a number of pre-defined fields, such as Birth Date, Allergies, and Notes.  In addition, you can create Custom Fields which can be configured to be included on the Business Portal Registration page.  This is useful if you want to collect some information about students that is not covered by the pre-defined fields.
To get started, follow these steps:
  1. Click on Administration | Business Portal
  2. Click on General Settings  
  3. Click on Portal Registration Settings  
  4. Select the student fields you wish to include on the Business Portal Registration page.  Indicate if the selected fields will be required on the registration field.  Additionally, set the sort order of the field.  The fields will be ordered by the sort order value on the registration page. 
  5. Click on the "Save" button to save your changes.
  6. Navigate to your Business Portal Registration page and notice the selected fields are include on the web page.

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