Student Grid Account Balance

You can easily change the Account Balance that is displayed on the grid when you click on "Students" in the main menu.  There are 3 options for the balance amount that is displayed on the grid:
  1. Current Balance
  2. Month-to-Date (MTD) Balance
  3. Total Balance
See the related articles for more information and examples of the student account balances.  For example, in the screen-shot below, the student's MTD balance is dispalyed:

Setting the Balance Display

To set the account balance that is displayed in the Student Grid, follow these instructions:
  1. Click on Administration
  2. Click on Global Settings
  3. Search for the setting "Grid Balance Display"
  4. Click on "Edit" to edit the global settings
  5. Enter in the value MTD, Current, or Total depending on the type of balance you wish to have displayed on the grid.  For example, the student grid is configured for Month-to-Date (MTD) in the above screen shots.
  6. Click "Save" to save the changed to the "Grid Balance Display" global setting.
  7. Click on "Students" in the main menu to see the new balance in the student's grid.

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