Allowing for Online Enrollment for a Class

Studioware allows your customers (students/parents) to register and enroll in class.  A class must be exposed to "Online Enrollment" before it appears on the business portal.  To allow a class to appear on the Business Portal for online enrollment, follow these instructions:
  1. Click on Classes in the Main Menu
  2. Click on "Add a Class" to create a new class to be exposed on the business portal, or click on "Edit" next to an existing class to be exposed.
  3. Within the Add/Edit class web page, there is a check box "Online Enrollment?"  Checking this field will expose the class on the business portal for online enrollment, and un-checking the field will remove the class from online enrollment.
  4. If a class is exposed on the Business Portal for online enrollment, the class Brief Description and Full Description will be displayed.  See the knowledge base article on creating the class descriptions.

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