How do I create a custom Receipt?

Studioware 2.0 comes with a predefined receipt template that will be used when you print or email receipts.  You may want to customize your receipts to include extra information that is not part of the predefined receipt template, such as account balances.
To customize your receipt, please follow these instructions:
  1. Click on Administration | Communication | Manage 
  2. Click on "Add Letter"
  3. Select "Receipt - Sample 1" from the drop down list.  This is the predefined template receipt that Studioware uses if you have not created a custom receipt: 
  4. Click on the "Next" button to edit the template
  5. Enter in the name and description.  For example, set the name to "Custom Receipt": 
  6. Enter any custom text, images, or merge fields to be included in the Receipt.  For example, in the screen shot below, the text "Your current account balance is:" has been added to the receipt.  Also, note the merge field {Student.Account.Balance} has also been added.  This new content on the template has been added after the list of transactions that appear on the receipt: {Receipt.Transactions} 
  7. Click on "Save" to save the new receipt template.
Now that you have the new Receipt Template saved, you need one last configuration:  You need to tell Studioware to use the new custom receipt template instead of the default template.  Follow these steps:
  1. Click on Administration | Global Settings | Manage
  2. In the global settings, search for "Receipt Letter"
  3. If the setting "Receipt Letter" exists, edit the global setting.  If the setting "Receipt Letter" does not exist, click on "Add Global Setting".  In the screen shot below, the setting does not exist, and must be added:  
  4. Enter in the follow values for the Global Setting:
    • Setting Name: Receipt Letter
    • Setting Category: Accounting
    • Setting Description: The name of the custom letter to be used as the receipt template.
    • Value: Custom Receipt   (This must match the name of the new custom letter that you created/saved)

  5. Click on the "Save" button.
Your custom receipt letter is now ready.  It is recommended that you try the receipt on a student to verify that it appears as you wish.  Also note, you can edit the custom letter at any time to make change.  

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