You can customize the Email that is sent to your Students and Parent when you email an invoice. When you first created an account with Studioware, the default invoice template was created and is used when you email the invoices. You can see the default invoice template by clicking on Administration and Communication. It appears as follows:
Additionally, there is a setting in Global Preferences to indicate which Letter Template to use when sending invoice. By default, this Global Settings is set to "Invoice Letter", and appears as follows:
You have the option of creating a new Letter Template for invoices, or edit the existing invoice template. If you create a new invoice template with the name "ABC Dance Studioware Invoice Letter", you would need to edit the Global Setting "Invoice Letter", and set the value to "ABC Dance Studioware Invoice Letter". Please note, the name of the letter will appear in the Subject Line of the email.
It is important that the name of the letter to be used for sending invoices, matches the value in the Global Settings. Studioware uses the Global Setting Value to find the invoice letter template.
You could edit the invoice template letter, by clicking on the "Edit" button, and adding any additional content you need. For example, you could include your logo in the letter template, rename the text on the buttons, or remove a button if needed:
Studioware allows you to add "Merge Fields" into letters which are replaced with the appropriate values when the letter is emailed. Merge fields are always surrounded by curly brackets. For example, {Studio.Name} will be replaced with your business name. The merge field to view the current invoice on the Business Portal is {Invoice.ViewPortal}. Be sure to include this merge field on your invoice template, so your students/parents can view the invoice. On the default template created by Studioware, the {Invoice.ViewPortal} merge field is hidden on the "View Invoice" button:
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