Working with Menus

Suppose you have created a new web page, and you want the web page to be displayed on the menu in the Business Portal.  You can easily configure a new Menu item to display the web page on the Business Portal.  Please follow these steps:
  1. Click on Administration | Business Portal
  2. Select the "Menu" toolbar item: 
  3. Click on Add Menu Item
  4. Enter in the following information:
    • Menu Caption: The text that is to be displayed on the menu item
    • Sort Order: Used to specify the position of the menu item relative to the other menu items.
    • Menu Tooltip: This is an optional field.  This is the help text that is displayed when hovering over the menu item.
    • Menu Type: Select "Link" to create a link to an existing web page
    • Web Link or {PageName}:  Enter in the page name (in curly brackets) that is to be displayed when the menu item is clicked.  For example, if you created a new web page called "SummerEvent", enter in {SummerEvent}
    • Web Link Target: Select the value "Open the link in the same browser window"
    • Parent Menu:  If the new menu item should be a child, select the parent menu
    • Location: Select "(All Locations)"
    • Set Active to "true"
  5. Click on the "Save" button to save the new menu item
  6. Go to your Business Portal to confirm the new Menu Item is visible.

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