Setting Class Categories

There are 2 ways to assign class categories to classes.
  1. Add/Edit a class, and selected the relevant class categories.
  2. Use the "Reassign Categories" functionality in the Administrative pages.

Add/Edit a Class

When you add a new class, or edit an existing class, the list of Class Categories that can be assigned to the class will be displayed.  Simply, select the relevant class categories, and click on save:

Reassign Categories

Studioware allows you to set or reassign categories to all classes in one convenient location.  Follow these instructions to set the categories:
  1. Click on Administration
  2. Click on "Class Categories"
  3. Click on "Reassign Categories" on the side menu; The list of all your classes will be displayed.
  4. For any number of classes, click on the "Categories" drop down list.  Select one or more categories from the list, or remove an number of categories:
  5. Click on the Save button once you are satisfied with all your category changes.

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