Use my GMail Account

Please follow these steps to configure Studioware to use your GMail account for sending emails.
Please note:  GMail has a quota on the number of emails you can send in a 24 hour period.  At the time of this post, the quota was 250 emails per day.  This will present a problem if you have more than 250 students, and you want to contact all students via email.

Configure GMail Account

  1. Log onto your GMail account
  2. Click on the Gear box in the upper right corner and select "Settings":
  3. Click on the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab in settings.
  4. Click on the setting "Enable Pop for all Mail", and the setting "Enable IMAP":
  5. Click on "Save Changes" in your Gmail Configuration:  

Configure Studioware

Your GMail account will now accept requests from Studioware to send emails.  Now you need to configure Studioware to utilize your GMail account.  Follow these instructions to configure Studioware:
  1. Click on "Administration" in the top header:  
  2. Click on "Manage" in the "Email Provider" settings:  
  3. Click on "Add Email Provider" and enter in the following information for your GMail account:
    Display Name Enter in the name you would like displayed on the emails.  Typically, this will be your business name.
    Email Address Enter in your GMail email address, for example:  
    Email Server Enter the value:
    Email Server Port Enter the value: 587. 
    Use SSL Set this value to "true" by selecting the check box.
    Active Set this value to "true" by selecting the check box
    Email Username Re-enter your GMail email address for your username
    Email Password Enter your GMail password

    Please note: If you are having problems connecting to GMail from Studioware, please try port 465. Additionally, you should try ports 587 and 465 with SSL enabled, and without SSL Enabled to find the right combination for your Gmail account.

  4. Click on the Save button to save your Gmail settings.

Testing your GMail Setting

Lastly, you should test your GMail setting to make sure everything is configured correctly and Studioware can successfully communicate with your GMail account.  To test your settings, follow these steps:
  1. Place a check mark next to the accounts you would like to test:  

    Please note: You can configure Studioware to utilize more than one email account.  Studioware will automatically try and send the email from the first account.  If the send is unsuccessful, Studioware will try from the second email account, and so on...  If the email fails to send from all configured email accounts, Studioware will re-try after 8 hours.

  2. Click on the "Send Test Email" in the toolbar.  Enter in the recipient email address, and the message body.  Click on the "Send Email" button:  
  3. Studioware will display the success/failure message indicating if the email was sent for each of the selected email accounts:  

Additional Information:

You may still have problems with sending emails from Studioware using GMail.  You may receive the following email from GMail when testing the Studioware connectivity:
In this scenario, you need to configure your Gmail account for Allowing less secure apps to access your account.  To accomplish this, follow these instructions:
  1. Log on to your Gmail account
  2. Click on this link after you are logged onto Gmail:
  3. Click on the "Turn On" option:
  4. Gmail will send you an email notification that you changed your security setting: 
  5. Return to Studioware and re-test your email settings.

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