Global Settings

Additional information on some key Global Settings.  Please note, these global settings may not be defined in your Studioware account.  If the Global setting below is not defined, Studioware will automatically use the default value.
Setting Name Default Value Description
Business Portal Prorate Tuition false This value indicates if the Business Portal will automatically pro-rate the tuition when a student enrolls online.
Checking Account Spelling Checking The spelling for a checking account.  For example, in the USA, the bank account is called "Business Checking" or "Personal Checking".  In the UK or Canada, the bank account is called  "Business Chequing" or "Personal Chequing".   This setting allows you to specify the spelling for your country.
ClassDefaultView List This is the default view that displays when a student/parent clicks on "Classes" in your business portal.  By default, a list of classes is displayed.   Valid values include List, ListByDay, Grid, GridByDay
ClassShowAgeRange false This is a true/false value that indicates if the "Age Range" column is displayed on the Business Portal.  That is, when you view the "Class Detail", "Class Detail/Weekday", or "Class Schedule" grids on the Business Portal, you can control if the "Age Range" column is displayed.
ClassShowOpenings true This true/false value indicates if the "Openings" column is displayed on the Business Portal.  That is, when you view the "Class Detail", "Class Detail/Weekday", or "Class Schedule" grids on the Business Portal, you can control if the "Openings" column is displayed.
ClassShowPrerequisites false This true/false value indicates if the "Prerequisites" column is displayed on the Business Portal.  That is, when you view the "Class Detail", "Class Detail/Weekday", or "Class Schedule" grids on the Business Portal, you can control if the "Prerequisites" column is displayed.
Send Student Enrollment Confirmation Email true Indicates if an enrollment confirmation email should be sent to students upon successfully enrollment in a class.
StateName State Indicates the name used for State.  For example, in certain countries, you may which to change the value to Province.
Student Enrollment Letter Class Enrollment The name of the letter template that will be emailed to a student/parent when an enrollment occurs.
ZipName Zip Code Indicates the name used for Zip Code.  For example, in certain countries, you may which to change the value to Postal Code

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