Class Enrollment

There are 5 different ways to enroll students in classes: 

Class Enrollment

Class Enrollment allows you to select a single class, and enroll one or more students.  Follow these steps to perform Class Enrollment:
  1. Click on Classes in the main menu
  2. Select "Enroll Students" from the action drop-down next to the class where you want to enroll students.  
    Tip: If you have a large number of class, you can easily find classes by filtering the list.  Simply enter in the class name or class internal id in the "Search Classes" to filter your list.  You can enter in the class partial names or internal ids.  See the blue box in the screen shot above.
  3. Select the specific class scheduled date from the drop down list.  
  4. Start typing in a student's last name (and optionally add a comma and enter in their first name).  Once you see the student's name in the drop-down list, select the student:
  5. After selecting the a student, the student's tuition options are displayed.  Studioware allows you to create different tuition based on student tags.  Studioware also allows you to multiple tuition items and specify if they are required or optional.  In the example below, the student Alison Anderson has been selected, and the student has 2 tuition items.  The first tuition is "Class Tuition" and is required;  It cannot be un-selected.  This class has been configured with a second tuition item called "Introductory Book".  This tuition item is optional, can can easily be applied to this student's financial account by clicking on the check-box next to the student item:
  6. The "Tuition Analysis" button displays the details on how Studioware selected the tuition for this class and student.  If a class has multiple tuition items that vary based on the student's tags, the Tuition Analysis button will give you more information
  7. Click on the "Add to Enrollment List" to add this student to the list of students to be enrolled in the class
  8. You can search for additional students to enroll in the class.  Remember to click on the "Add to Enrollment List" to accumulate the list of students to enroll in the class.  For example, here are 4 students that are ready to be enrolled in the class:  
    Tip 1: You can remove students from the list of students to be enrolled in the class by clicking on the "Remove" link next to the student's name
    Tip 2: If you select a different class from the drop down list, your list of accumulated students will be cleared.
  9. The students are not yet enrolled in the class; They are simply accumulated on a list.  When you are ready to enroll the students click on the Save button.  Optionally, if the class has already started, you have the option of applying a Pro-Rate discount:
  10. After clicking on Save, the status of each enrollment is displays.  For each student in the enrollment list, the status will indicate if the student was successfully enrolled, already enrolled in the class, or placed on a waiting list:  
  11. Studioware will send each student enrolled in the class a confirmation email.

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