Student Enrollment

There are 5 different ways to enroll students in classes: 

Student Enrollment

You can easily enroll a single student into multiple classes.  Additionally, student's from the same family can be conveniently enrolled into multiple classes.  To get started enrolling a student into multiple classes, follow these instructions:
  1. Search for a student and open the student record.
  2. Click on the "Classes" button on the toolbar.  The list of the student's current classes, waiting list, and completed classes will be displayed.
  3. Click on the "Enroll in Class" button next to the current classes.
  4. Select the name of the class, and the schedule class dates the student is to be enrolled into from the drop down lists:
  5. The classes in Studioware can be configured with multiple tuition items, of which, some are required and others are optional.  Additionally, different tuition items can be defined based on different student tags.  After selection the class and schedule date, Studioware analyzes the student and class tuition and presents the options to you.  In the example below, the class has been configured with the required class tuition, and an optional book the student can elect to purchase.  
  6. Select the desired tuition options for this student and class.  Additionally, Studioware can apply a discount to the tuition if the student is enrolling in a class that has already started.  If the class has already started, you will see the Pro-Rate option to apply a discount based on the percentage a class is completed.
  7. Click on the "Add to Enrollment List".  This will allow you to accumulate a list of classes the student will be enrolled into.
  8. You can repeat the steps above to enroll students in additional classes.  You can also select another member from the same family to enroll into classes.  For example, in the screen shot below, the student Alison will be enrolled into 2 classes, and her brother Bobbie will be enrolled in 1 class: 
  9. The students are not yet enrolled in the classes; we have simply accumulated a list of classes the students will be enrolled into.  Click on the "Remove" link to remove a class enrollment from the list.
  10. Once you have finished accumulating the list of classes, click on the Save button.
  11. Studioware will enroll the family members in all of the selected classes and return to the students class listing.
  12. From the student class list page, you can see the enrollments that were successful, and any waiting lists the students was placed on.

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