Setting Staff Pay Rate

Studioware can track your staff member's pay rate, and calculate the amount owed to each staff.  To set a staff members pay rate, follow these instructions:
  1. Click on Staff in the main menu
  2. Select a staff member from the grid
    Tip:  You can search for a staff member by typing in the staff member's last name in the search/filter box, for example "Jones"
  3. Click on Edit to open the staff member's record.
  4. Click on "Financial Rated" in the staff toolbar:
    Tip:  If you don't see the toolbar item "Financial Rates", your Studioware account does not have security to view/edit "Financial Rates".  Please ask you Studioware administrator to to grant you "Staff Salary Amount" security.
  5. Click on "Edit" to change the staff salary amount
  6. Enter in the new staff salary amount, and select the salary types.  The valid salary types are:
    • Hourly:  This indicates the salary rate is an hourly rate.  Studioware will calculate the total hours a user worked, and utilize this hourly rate.
    • Per Class:  This indicates the staff member will be paid based on the number of classes he/she teaches.  For example, if a staff member is paid weekly, and a certain class meets twice a week, this is considered 1 class for the purpose of the salary calculation (even though the class meets twice every week).
    • Per Session: This indicates the staff member will be paid based on the number if individual class sessions he/she teacher.  For example, if a staff member is paid weekly, and a certain class meets twice a week, this is considered 2 class sessions for the purpose of the salary calculation (even though this is only 1 class).
  7. Click on the "Save" button to save the staff members salary.

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