Person tags allow you to categorize/classify students, staff, and contacts [
More Information]
To add a person tag, follow these instructions:
- Logon to Studioware with Administrator access (or Person Tags security).
- Click on Administration on the main menu
- Click on "Manage" within Person Tags

- Within the Person Tags interface, you can add, edit, delete, search, or replace Person Tags.
The "Tag Count" columns shows the number of people (students, staff, and contacts), that have the tag assigned. The Student, Staff, and Contact tags are added automatically. These tags are Read-Only and cannot be deleted, edited, replaced, or removed.
Add/Edit Person Tag
To add a person tag click on the "Add Person Tag" in the menu, enter in the new person tag text, and click on the Save button. To edit any person tag, click on the [Edit] button next to the tag you want to change. Any student, staff, or contact that is utilizing the edited person tag, will automatically be updated. Similarly, any tuition item using the edited tuition items will also automatically be updated.
Delete Person Tags
You can delete any individual person tag simply by clicking on the [Delete] button next to be deleted. You can delete multiple tags by placing a check mark next to the tags to be deleted, and clicking on the "Delete Person Tags".
Deleting Person Tags immediately removes them from the students, staff, and contacts. They are also immediately removed from class tuition items. It's recommend that you Replace the person tags prior to deleting.
Remove Person Tag
You can easily remove the person tag from all students, staff, and contacts without deleting the person tag. Click on the [Remove] button next to the person tag that should be removed from all people:
After the person tag has been removed from all student, staff, and contacts, the "Tag Count" will show the value zero.
Replace Person Tag
You can replace one person tag with another person tag by clicking on the [Replace] button next to the person tag you want to replace, selecting the new tag to replace the old tag.
Search Person Tags
If you have a large number of tags, you can easily filter the tags you which to view by typing in your filter text in the "Search Person Tags" text box: