Setting the Business Portal WebName

All Studioware Business Portals have the following naming convention
Tip: Your Business Portal is secure.  Notice in the web address above https://  The "s" means the Business Portal is secure and your data is encrypted with a SSL Certificate.
You can configure the [WebName] value from the value that Studioware automatically assigns you when you signup with our services.  To change the WebName, follow these instructions:
  1. Click on Administration
  2. Click on Business Portal.  The current name of your Business Portal will be displayed
  3. Click on General Settings
  4. Enter in the new name of your Business Portal
  5. Click on the Save button
    Tip: The Business Portal Name must be unique  That is, the name cannot be used by any other business utilizing Studioware.  For example, 2 people cannot have the same email address.  When you click on the Save button Studioware will check that the name is unique.

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