Canceling your Studioware Subscription

You are under no obligation/contract to continue your Studioware subscription.
You can cancel your subscription to Studioware at any time.
Tip: If you cancel your subscription to Studioware, you will immediately loose access to our system even if you have time before your next payment.
To cancel your Studioware subscription, follow these instructions:
  1. Log on to your Studioware account as an administrator
  2. Click on your name in the upper right corner and select "My Account"
  3. Your current subscription package details will be displayed.
  4. Click on the "Cancel my Subscription" button
  5. Confirm that you want to cancel you subscription by clicking on the "Yes, Cancel my Studioware Subscription" button.
  6. Your subscription to Studioware will be canceled and you will immediate loose access to the system
Tip: You will also loose access to the API and the Business Portal.
If you have any questions about your Studioware Subscription, or charges, please contact us at:

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