Configuring SMTP

Studioware connects to your email account to send emails on your behalf to your students, student contacts, and staff.  
Studioware 2.0 uses SMTP to send emails using your email Account.  SMTP is "Send Mail Transfer Protocol".  This means Studioware can only Send emails from your email account.  Using SMTP we only have access to send emails; we do not have access to read or process your incoming emails.
To configure Studioware to send emails from your email account, follow these instructions:
  1. Log onto your Studioware account with Administration Access.
  2. Click on Administration in the main toolbar.
  3. Click on "Manage" under the Email Providers section: 
  4. Click on "Your Business Email":  
  5. Click on "Add Email Provider" in the toolbar.  The following web page will be displayed:  
  6. The following values are required to configure your email:
    • Display Name: This is the name that is displayed on the send emails.  Typically, this will be your business name.
    • Email Address:  This is the full email address that will be used to send the emails
    • Email Server:  This is the name of the SMTP server that will be sending the emails.  This information is available from your web hosting company.  For example, if your website and email are hosted by, you would need to find out your SMTP server from  Typcially, the email server will be in the format:
    • Email Server Port:  This is a numeric value that the SMTP server is using.  This value would be available from your web hosting company.  Typically, this value is 25, 465, or 587
    • Use SSL:  This is a true/false value indicating if the SMTP server is using SSL (encryption).  Your web hosting company would supply this information.
    • Active:  This true/false value also you to set this email provider active or inactive in Studioware.  Studioware will only use active email providers.  If you do not want Studioware to send an email from a email provider, you can delete the email provider or set it inactive.
    • Email Username:  This is the username required to connect to the SMTP Email Server.  This value would be available from your web hosting company.  This is the user name used to log onto your email account.  Typically, this value is your full email address.
    • Email Password:  This is the password used to connect to the SMTP Email Server.  This value would be provided from your web hosting company.  Typically, this is the password you use to logon to your email.
  7. Click on the Save Button to save your email settings
  8. Please note, you can add multiple email providers to Studioware.  Studioware will randomly select an email provider from the list of Active email providers to send an email.  If the email fails to send from an active email provider, Studioware will select another active email provider and re-try the email.  If the email still fails to send from all the active email providers, Studioware will hold the email for 4 hours and then re-try then.  Finally, if the email still fails, Studioware will re-try the emails again after 8 hours,
Many email system have quotas on the number of emails that can be sent per day and per hour.  By setting up multiple email providers and the built-in retry mechanism, there is better success in sending emails. 

Testing your Email Configuration

To test your email provider settings, follow these instructions:
  1. Place a check-mark next to the email provider you want to test
  2. Click on the "Send Test Email" button 
  3. Enter in the recipients of the test email, and the body of the email.  Click on the "Send Email" button: 
  4. Studioware will attempt to contact the SMTP Email Server and request the test email be sent. 
  5. If Studioware fails to communicate with the SMTP Server to request the email be sent, and error message will b displayed.  If you receive an error message, you will need to edit your email provider settings:
  6. If Studioware successfully communicates with the SMTP Email Server and requests the email to be delivered, you will see the following success message:

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