Adding Multiple Students

Studioware allows you to add individual students, multiple students (up to 10 students at one time), or import a list of students.  Students can be grouped together into Families.  Every Student/Family created in Studioware will automatically receive an Accounts Receivable Financial Account, where you can record financial transactions such as tuition charges, payments, purchases, and more.
To add multiple students, you would:
  1.  Go to and log into your account
  2. Click on the "Students" link on the main menu bar
  3. Click on "Add Student" on the tool bar and select "Add Multiple Students"
  4. "Add Multiple Students" conveniently allows you to add up to 10 students at once
  5. After you enter the students First and Last name, you will need to select the student's "Status" on the drop down list. 
  6. Multiple Students can be grouped together into families. To group two or more students together into a family, follow these instructions:
    1. Place a check mark on "Add to Family" for related students
    2. Enter in the Family last name. The Family last name for related students must match. For example: Anna Adams and Joey Adams can be grouped together under the Adams family ( See screenshot above)
    3. Students with different last names can also be grouped together into a family with different last names. For Example, Tony Little and Bobby Jones can be grouped together into the Anderson family:
  7. Click on the "Save" button to save your students

Please Note:

Students First and Last name are required fields for all new students 

Related Articles:

  • Adding an Individual Student
  • Importing students

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