Automation - Calculate Staff Salary

Studioware Automation allows you to automatically calculate your Staff Salary and post the transactions to the staff member's account payable financial account.  To setup the staff salary automation, follow these steps:
  1. Click on Administration | Automation
  2. Click on the "Calculate Staff Salary" tab
  3. Check "Yes, calculate the staff salary".
  4. The following parameters can be set when calculating the staff salary:
    • Work Week: The Start and Stop of your staff members work week
    • Calculation Day:  The day of the week the salary calculation should be performed.
    • Calculation Week:  Indicate if the salary should be calculated for the previous week, current week, or next week.
    • Run Time:  The time of the day the salary will be calculated.  That is, the salary will be calculated on the "Calculation Day", at the time specified at "Run Time".
    • Status Email: Indicate if you want a status emailed to be sent once the salary calculation is complete
    • Priority: The priority of this automation task relative to all other automation tasks with the same runtime/date.
  5. Click on the "Save Changes" button and Studioware will automatically calculate your staff members salary on the specified calculation date and run time.

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