
Studioware allows you to automate a number of tasks that you would otherwise need to create manually.  For example, "Create Invoices".  You can accomplish this task manually, but you must remember to perform the task at a specific time.  For example, you may create invoices at the end of every month, for the charges in a student's account.  Another example is an annual registration fee.  Again, you can do this manually at the beginning of each new year, but now you can have Studioware automatically perform this task for you.
Click on Administration | Automation to get started with automation
Studioware allows you to automate the following tasks:
  1. Automatic LettersSend out automatic letters when certain events occur in Studioware
  2. Calculate Staff Salary: Calculate the salary for all staff members and add the financial transaction to the account payable's account
  3. Calculate Variable TuitionAutomatically calculate the tuition for the variable tuition classes.
  4. Create InvoicesAutomatically create the student invoices
  5. Financial TransactionsAdd financial transactions that will be automatically added to the accounts
  6. Student StatusAutomatically change student status based on the enrollment status of a student
  7. Student/Staff Tags: Rules for automatically adding and removing student and staff tags.
Click on the links above to learn more about the Automation task

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